Thursday, February 26, 2015

Benefits of Soursop

Benefits of soursop
In this article, we will discuss the benefits of soursop for you all. Soursop is a fruit which is believed to have many benefits for the body. The fruit which has latin name of Annona Muricata is delicious and sweet, not only delicious on the tongue, but also has many benefits for the body.
Soursop Fruit Benefits for the Body
Soursop fruit has many benefits for our body. It is very reasonable, because soursop fruit contains many beneficial compounds such as fiber, carbohydrates, potassium, vitamin C, calcium, water, and fat. Well, now we will share the benefits of soursop for the body.
Soursop Fruit Benefits for Health
1. Fiber
Soursop fruit has fiber that can help digestion and metabolism in the body. In addition, the fiber content in the soursop can control your weight.
2. Carbohydrates
In one glass of soursop contain as much as 38 grams of carbohydrates as an energy source of the body. Carbohydrates contained in the fruit is certainly healthier than that contained in the cake that it is bad for a person's blood sugar levels.
3. Potassium
Soursop contains potassium which can help the muscles in the body, regulate blood pressure levels, and also to repair the bone.
4. Vitamin C
Soursop has a high content of vitamin C acts as an antioxidant. This antioxidant that works to fight various diseases in the body, including wound healing and prevent skin damage.
5. Water
Soursop also contains a lot of water, even in a cup of soursop has a water content of 183 grams. So naturally, soursop can prevent dehydration.
6. Phosphorus and Calcium
Other mineral content contained in soursop is phosphorus and calcium. In 100 grams of soursop fruit contained as much as 27 mg of phosphorus and calcium as much as 14 mg. These minerals that are beneficial to bone formation and inhibit the occurrence of osteoporosis.
Manfaat Buah Sirsak Untuk Kolesterol, Asam Urat, Hipertensi
Buah sirsak memiliki rasa yang manis dan segar apalagi ketika dijadikan jus. Dibalik kelezatan buah sirsak, ternyata menyimpan sejuta manfaat yang sangat baik bagi tubuh. Semua zat yang terkandung di dalamnya bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh. Ingin tahu apa saja khasiat buah sirsak bagi tubuh? Berikut manfaat dari buah sirsak yang wajib Anda ketahui, antara lain:
Benefits of Soursop Fruit for Cholesterol, Uric Acid, Hypertension
Soursop fruit has a sweet and fresh especially when used juice. Behind the fruits of soursop, it save a million benefits that are very good for the body. All substances contained in it are beneficial to health. Want to know what are benefits of soursop for the body? Here are the benefits of soursop fruit you must know, among others:
7. Benefits of soursop fruit for cholesterol
As we saw above, soursop fruit contains a lot of fiber which is good for the body. In 100 grams of meat soursop was able to meet the needs of daily fiber body as much as 13%. Well, the fiber is also likely to play a role both in the absorption of bad cholesterol in the body. Thus simplifying the bad cholesterol out of the body, which means that only good cholesterol that stay in the body.
8. Benefits of soursop for hypertension
Not only soursop leaves that could treat high blood pressure or hypertension. Apparently, soursop fruit that tastes delicious too have the same efficacy for treating hypertension. Several studies, have proven the efficacy of soursop fruit is capable of treating hypertension. This is because, soursop fruit contains substances that can counteract the occurrence of hypertension. So, if you want to be healthy,consume the soursop fruit every day.
9. Benefits of soursop for gout
Other benefits of soursop fruit is able to treat gout. By eating soursop fruit regularly, then the body will be protected from gout.
Yes, that's a review of the content and benefits of soursop fruit that maybe  unsuspected before. I hope it will useful for you all!


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