Thursday, February 26, 2015

Benefits of Mangosteen

Mangosteen fruits
Mangosteen fruits

The scientific name of mangosteen fruit is garcinia mangostana. This is a tropical evergreen tree which is believed to have originated from Indonesia and also available in some areas of Southeast Asia such as Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam, and also in some parts of Africa. The mangosteen fruit is often revered as the queen of tropical fruit due to tremendous benefits for health. Mangosteen fruit has three main parts: purple skin, white flesh and seeds found in meat. The seeds have a very bitter taste and can not be eaten while the meat has a delicate aroma with a sweet taste. The outer skin or rind has a doormat nature but can be opened easily. Mangosteen has been a part of traditional medicine that is used in many Asian countries since time immemorial. Even the health benefits of the mangosteen fruit is known since the 18th century and has been proven scientifically. Mangosteen is a repository of the essential nutrients needed for growth to meet nutritional needs.

Here are the benefits of the mangosteen fruit in accordance with the content of nutrients in it that is very good for health:

1. Contain Antioxidants
Scientific research has shown that the mangosteen fruit contains polyphenols or xanthones. There are two types of xanthones in mangosteen fruit mangosteen gamma and alpha. Xanthones and their derivatives have been shown to have several benefits, including anti-inflammatory. Xanthones are effective drugs against various cardiovascular diseases. This antioxidant has healing properties that heal damaged cells by free radicals, slow aging and ward off disease. Mangosteen fruit is often used for traditional treatment to prevent cardiovascular disease and cancer.

2. Low Calorie Content
The fruit is very low in calories that is 63 calories per 100 g and contains no saturated fat or cholesterol. But rich in dietary fiber that is 100 g provides about 13% of the RDA which can be very important for those of you who have excess weight to the diet.

3. The content of Vitamin C
Mangosteen fruit contains about 12% RDA of vitamins per 100g. This content is soluble in water and vitamin C provides resistance to infection, flu and ward off harmful free radicals. Therefore consume fruits rich in vitamin C is essential to fight some diseases. For pregnant women folate content in mangosteen has an important role in fetal development and evolution of new cells that grow.

4. Nutrient Content which Smoothen Blood Circulatory
Mangosteen has a role in promoting red blood cells and prevent anemia. It can improve blood flow, causing dilation of blood vessels which help protect us against certain diseases such as cholesterol, atherosclerosis, and severe pain in the chest. It also can prevent cataracts due to smooth blood circulation.

5. The content of the mangosteen fruit for beauty
Mangosteen fruit has natural antibacterial properties and also anti-microbial effective in treating a variety of skin problems. For those of you who have problems with acne, oily skin, skin blemishes and dry skin can be cured with the consumption of the mangosteen fruit. In addition compounds of xanthones in mangosteen peel was the highest when compared to other fruits. It can cure skin diseases, repair damaged cells and protect your body. Mangosteen fruit can help aging that appear due to oxidation. Mangosteen has antioxidants such as catechins (antioxidants in green tea are the same). This helps in the fight against free radicals. Therefore, start consuming mangosteen in order to look younger.


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