Monday, March 30, 2015

Benefits of Apple

benefits of apple

Apple is famous as a fruit that helps maintain the health and even to avoid, disease, certainly too powerful for the diet. Who does not like apples? Beautiful fruit is widely consumed as a diet aid. What benefits can we get out from an apple, let us discuss them one by one.

Apple Benefits for Diet

The benefits of apples to the diet is one of the most famous in the universe. How apples daily diet can help you succeed? The workings of apples for a diet similar to the benefits of brown rice that is with a very high fiber content, this fruit makes satiety longer in our stomach.

So what to do? This will greatly help the intake of food / appetite of high-calorie foods can be minimized. When the stomach has been contained glucose, gastric feel hungry and ordered the brain to look for food.

benefits of eating  apel your hunger will automatically disappear, and where the role of apple fiber for longer survive dilambung and make sense of the stomach full longer so you will not feel hungry. Quiet apple has no fat and rich in fiber so it is safe to diet and bowel.

Benefits pears and cassava are also effective for this diet if you do not like apple :).

Benefits of Apples For Health

No doubt back, apples for health benefits also must be very powerful and than we can expect. Apples have properties that are good for the health of the human body, well this is some amazing apple benefits for the human body.

1. Assist the work of the small intestine

Digestion is never separated from the small intestine as food processors and gets its nutrients. Consumption of apples regularly can prevent constipation and digestive disorders that occur in the intestine.

2. Reduce the risk of respiratory distress

A recent study showed that children who consume apple juice regularly can reduce the risk of respiratory disease. In addition, pregnant women who regularly consume apple juice is also effective in suppressing respiratory disorders unborn child.

3. Healthy mouth and teeth

It turns out Apple also has the function of tablets for oral and dental health, consume apples with chew directly stimulates the production of saliva to clean the oral cavity. Addition of tannin substances contained in apples, removing plaque that damage the teeth and gums.

4. Provide protection to the bone

Kandunga flavonoids (phloridzin) is an apple benefits that reduce the problem of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women monopouse. Boron content of the apple also serves to strengthen the bones in the body that are not easily porous. It's also very good for the prevention of the onset of symptoms of rheumatic diseases.

5. control blood sugar

Galacturonic acid supplied apples to degrade the performance of the body in releasing the hormone insulin. Therefore, apples consumed for people who have a history of genetic disease from getting diabetes and become more serious.

6. Prevent and MengobatiKanker

The benefits of apple fruit is found in the skin of apples triterpenoids compounds, which were identified in a study at Cornell University, is known to inhibit cancer cells that cause the symptoms of breast cancer, liver and colon cancer symptoms.

In addition, Apple has a number of substances that can help reduce the risk of cancer, including antimutagenic activity, antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory mechanism, antiproliferative and apoptosis-inducing published in the journal Planta Medica.

7. Healthy Brain

Apples have been shown to be used to protect neurons that can prevent oxidative stress induced neurotoxicity and play an important role in reducing the risk of neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease.

8. Prevent Parkinson's

Research shows that people who eat fruits and other high fiber foods benefit in protection against Parkinson's disease. The disease is characterized by disruption of dopamine-producing nerve cells in the brain. Scientists have to connect it with the power of antioxidants that protect against various types of free radicals.

9. Lowering Cholesterol

For those who are obese or have had high LDL sebaikanya switch on apples. Soluble fiber found in apples can bind fat in the intestine, which is translated in its function to lower cholesterol levels.

10. Lowering Cholesterol

For those who are obese or have had high LDL sebaikanya switch on apples. Soluble fiber found in apples can bind fat in the intestine, which is translated in its function to lower cholesterol levels. \

11. Healthy Heart

An extensive study has linked intake of soluble fiber with cholesterol plaque buildup in the arteries. Phenolic compounds found in the skins of apples also prevents cholesterol that goes into the system and strengthen the walls of the arteries. When plaque forms in the arteries then it will reduce blood flow to the heart, leading to coronary heart disease. This plaque can be cleaned with the help of existing soluble fiber in apples.

12. Prevent gallstones

Gallstones form when there is too much cholesterol in the bile so that it tends to harden. Short-term effect is very possible you will be obese. To prevent gallstones, doctors recommend a diet high in fiber to help control cholesterol levels in the body. Apples as one of the super fruits that have high fiber content is very good for health.

13. Coping with Diarrhea and Constipation

Are you not able to go to the bathroom (difficult chapter) or can not stop (diarrhea)? Fiber found in apples may help overcome both these problems even though each opposite. Good fiber can draw water out of the intestine to maintain the components in it to move throughout the day to support sembeit. These fibers can also absorb excess water from dirt, which means can assist you in the process of diarrhea.

14. Liver Detoxification

Detoxification is one of the functions to remove toxins from the liver. Every day in the more advanced age we will never be separated from consumption of material containing 'toxic' if it is of a drink or food. Liver function is responsible for cleaning up these toxins from the body. The content of antioxidants can help detoxify the liver of various substances or toxins in the body.

15. Preventing cataract

For the benefits of apples this one, although previous studies have not been too convincing about the benefits of apples for cataracts. However, long-term study recently showed that people who have a diet of fruits that contain antioxidants like apples 10 to 15 percent less likely to get cataracts.

16. Improve the human immune system

Red apple contains an antioxidant called quercetin. Recent research has found that quercetin may help improve and strengthen the immune system, especially when the mind is stressed.

17. Prevent hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anal area while no impact on mortality, diseases associated with blood vessels can be very painful. Hemorrhoids are usually caused by too much pressure on the pelvic and rectal area. Fiber may reduce straining too 'extreme' when going to the bathroom and thus help relieve hemorrhoids.

The benefits of apple for health and diet is one of the most popular among other fruits. Sakin popularity of the material is also used apple vinegar, these products are selling well because of the benefits of apple cider vinegar is also very effective for hypertension and other critical illnesses.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Benefits of Papaya

Benefits of papaya

The benefits of papaya fruit is most potent for digestion, but did you know that papaya save thousands of other benefits. Papaya is a fruit that very much maintained in tropical country. Papaya trees often we encounter every tropical people's homes. Papaya fruit palatable to eat in any atmosphere. From the raw until the ripe, can be enjoyed as culinary that very tempting. Behind it all, papaya is well taken because the properties are also abundant.

Papaya Fruit Nutrition Ingredients

One papaya fruit with medium size, contains about 120 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrates (in which there are 5 grams of fiber and 18 grams of sugar) and 2 grams of protein. Papaya is an excellent source of vitamin C and the benefits of papaya fruit, providing 24% of the daily requirement. The content of other papaya consists of:
- Folate
- Vitamin A
- Magnesium
- Copper
- Pantothenic acid
- Fiber.3
- Vitamin B
- Alpha beta carotene
- Lutein
- Zeaxanthan
- Vitamin E
- Calcium
- Potassium
- Vitamin K
- Lycopene (an antioxidant that is most often associated with tomatoes)

Benefits of Papaya for Health 
Health benefits of papaya is important to all especially to enhance the immune system of the human body. Consuming fruits and vegetables of various kinds, has long been associated with a reduced risk of various health conditions related to lifestyle. Many studies have shown that increased consumption of vegetal foods such as papaya, reduce health risks, even to support the skin's beauty as follows:

1. Anti-inflammatory
For people with arthritis, osteoporosis, edama can relieve pain due to anti-inflammatory enzymes contained in papaya. These enzymes also have cancer preventing properties.

2. Strengthen the immune system
Vitamin C and vitamin A, which is produced in the body.  Beta carotene compounds contained in papaya, is needed to boost the immune system from the inside. Therefore, papaya may be a healthy choice of fruit to prevent diseases such as infections, colds, flu and reduce fever.

3. Healthy bones
Deficiency of vitamin K was associated with a much higher risk, on the issue of bone fractures. It is important to consume papaya, for sufficient vitamin K and a health bone. Because the action of papaya can altering the bone matrix protein, increases the absorption of calcium and may reduce the excretion of calcium.

4. Good For Diabetics
In a study has shown that people with type 1 diabetes who eat high-fiber diet had higher levels of blood glucose and type 2 diabetes may increase blood sugar, lipid and insulin. In 1 medium papaya fruit, provides about 4.7 grams of fiber.

5. Prevent Heart Disease
Fiber, potassium and vitamins in papaya helps the body in preventing heart disease. Increased of potassium, which is performed in conjunction with a decrease in sodium, a diet change, most importantly, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The content of the enzyme in papaya can also help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol that can reduce cholesterol and help prevent heart disease symptoms.

6. Digestion
The benefits of papaya about this one is not in doubt, if you have a hard defecate, papaya is the solution. The papaya contain digestive enzymes such as papain, which is useful in aiding digestion. In addition, it can also be useful to soften the meat. Papaya also contains fiber and high water content. Both of these nutrients, very good in the prevention of constipation and promote defecate regularity, so it will nourish the digestive tract.

7. Prevent Macular Degeneration
Eaxanthin antioxidant compounds found in papaya, filter out harmful blue light rays are expected, to be protective role in eye health to ward off degeneration.

8. Accelerate Wound Healing 
When papaya used by mashing the fruit, looks useful to promote wound healing and prevent infection of the burned skin area. The researchers believe that the proteolytic enzyme chymopapain and papain in papaya serves as an ointment. Ointments containing papain enzyme has also been used to treat decubitus ulcers or bedsores.

9. Prevention of Asthma 
Risk for developed asthma will be lower in people who consume a high amount of certain nutrients. One of these nutrients is beta carotene, which is contained in papaya.

10. Reduce Weight 
Expert studies show there are more enzymes in young papaya than the ripe one. Enzyme in papaya have an impact on the reduction of protein, carbohydrate and fat in the body. Your metabolism system will be more optimal and also makes burning fat into energy is going well.

Benefits of Papaya Fruit For Beauty
In addition to providing a good effect on the health of the body's functions, there are several benefits of papaya for beauty as follows:

Fermented papaya fruit, help dissolve dead skin cells and give freshness and brightness of the skin. This can help open clogged pores and prevent acne. 

Research shows that, papaya produce enzymes that also stimulate breast growth. In addition, vitamin A is abundant in green papaya, able to provide stimulation to the ovaries to produce female hormones so that the glands and muscles around the breast becomes firmer.

Potential Health Risks In Papaya Fruit
Although the benefits of papaya fruit is quite abundant, but there are some health risks to watch out for from this fruit. Someone who is allergic to latex, may be allergic to papaya as papaya contains chitanases, which often lead to cross-reactions to latex or on foods containing these substances

Overall dietary menu or diet as a whole is the most important in the prevention of disease and achieve good health. Of course, eating a variety of food ingredients, will be better than concentrating on certain types of food, as the key to a balanced health.